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Course: Gerontology

Research suggests that our behaviors before the age of fifty affect our physical and mental health in old age. Of course, the challenges of aging won't disappear. But boomers who exercise regularly, eat healthfully, stay active mentally, and tackle emotional problems soundly can look forward to years of activity and pleasure.

Gerontology majors study the human aging process and the biological, behavioral, and social changes associated with aging. One topic of study is the provision of services to older people and their families.

Did You Know?

Some gerontology majors continue their studies in grad school. Others take entry-level jobs in senior centers and other agencies that serve older people.

Are You Ready To...?

  • Volunteer or work in a community agency that serves older people

It Helps To Be...

Someone who enjoys spending time with older people and cares deeply about their needs. And you should enjoy the idea of integrating knowledge from various fields including biology and sociology.

College Checklist

  • Does the program have a particular emphasis, such as research, theory, or casework (the close study of an individual in order to understand his or her problems and provide treatment)?
  • Does the school have a particular tradition or religious belief system that will affect your studies?
  • Does the school library offer plenty of print and electronic resources on gerontology?
  • Does the program provide internships and other opportunities for hands-on learning?
  • Will you be able to declare a double major, a minor, or a concentration?
  • What are recent grads doing now?

Course Spotlight

In a course on the psychology of aging, you’ll study the way we change as we age and how these changes affect our psychological well-being. For example, imagine a woman whose eyesight is worsening, making social interaction difficult. Now imagine that she loses her spouse.

These two changes could easily lead to depression, reducing the woman’s motivation to stay active and take care of herself. You’ll discuss such challenges in class and consider possible solutions.


Which colleges offer a course in Gerontology?
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This major often leads to the degree.




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