(Career Asssessments, Exploration & Counselling)

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Ranchi > Career-counselling

A career planning and exploration program at Ranchi  that combines a multiple-aptitude test with an interest self-assessments and a wide range of career exploration tools including psychometric test & career counselling workshop. And it is FREE to participating schools! BRING THE SKILLGAPFINDER TO YOUR SCHOOL: Fill out this request form  and an Education & Guidance Services Specialist will contact you.
Career Counseling and Career counselor tools
Career Counseling by Interest Assessment
It's not an aptitude test
Age: 14 upwards
Requires no prior preparation
Gender and culturally neutral
There is not time limit
It's fun
Seeks to uncover your real interests, likes/dislikes, your personality & suitability for specific careers & occupations
Guides your to career options that best match your interests aspirations and abilities
Career Couseling by KSA
Analyze your gaps in Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSA)
Age: 18 upwards
Explore nine critical knowledge areas
Gender and culturally neutral
There is not time limit
It's an analysis to give right career direction
Your assessment gap analysis compared to 900+ occupations.
Your KSA score is analysed against the capabilities required for the job.
Career Guidance with Career Match
It's not an aptitude test
Age: 18 upwards
Gets career aligned with your Work: Values, Style, Context
Gender and culturally neutral
There is not time limit
Give you higher success in life
Career counselor helps you to identify best macth career
Outcome provide a skylight to over best occupations.
Guidance on Subject Stream
Course-Stream Assessment is a battery of Aptitude Tests
Age: 14 upwards
Requires no prior preparation
Gender and culturally neutral
There is not time limit
It's fun
Student will get priority based Course-Stream selection report
Along with interest profile will eventually helps students and parents in deciding well-versed choices.
Know your employability
Determine the areas in which you might search for a job
Age: 18 upwards
To be employed is to be at risk, to be employable is to be secure
Gender and culturally neutral
There is not time limit
The assessment develop the competency profile, Leadership/Cultural profile, and employability profile across functional domains.
Capabilities can be put into practice in personal development planning, work experience opportunities, job searching, and interviews
Counseling by career path
Let reach on top of the career
Age: 14 upwards
Requires no prior preparation
Gender and culturally neutral
Explore careers over 900+ occupations and their hierarchal relationship
Help envision and plan your future with organised hierarchy of careers path in a functional domain.
An comprehensive and accurate representation of the jobs, comprise a career and how individual move upward to reach highest career potions in an industry.
Meet Career Counselor / Guide
Industry expert are available to meet students
Age: 14 upwards
Requires no prior preparation
Gender and culturally neutral
Optional counseling with parents
Career counselor helps you in finding the right course, subject, and career
Individual sessions are focused on four career development tasks namely Self Understanding, know the World of Work, Developing Career Alternatives and Career Preparation.
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