(Career Asssessments, Exploration & Counselling)
Recent Comments
By Ritu Bhasin at 11:54 AM
Excellent free resume creation service provided by skillgapfinder[...]
By Himanshu at 03:25 PM
Very easy to create a resume with pre-defined skills and export into PDF..thanks skillgapfinder[...]
By Meena Mathur at 08:15 PM
Very structured CV created online. I can update my CV unlimited time and got structured pdf exported [...]

Personal Profile - Resume/ CV

Help you communicate in a compelling and concise manner
Resume/ CV - Promoting Transparency of Qualifications.

SkillGapFinder online Resume / CV writing tool help individual to present the transparency of his/her diplomas, certificates and competences. It helps individuals to better communicate and present their qualifications and skills, promotes both occupational mobility, between industry sectors, and mobility for learning purposes. Resume can be exported in PDF also. [...]


Reliability & Validity
Our resume/ CV writing online tool is much focused on presenting the individual′s skills and competences which are the main focus for the employer to know about yourself matching to their requirement and prospective career & employment. While writing the resume, the individual can fill their personal details, desired employment, work experience, education and training, language details, personal skills and competences and insert their photo.

For writing the resume/CV, all the education and competencies are taken from the career database of 900+ occupations which has been surveyed across millions of people. The personal skills and competences are context searched from our career database which included social skills, organizational skills, technical skills, computer skills, artistic skills, and other skills and competences. [...]

Assessment + e-Counseling
  • Unlimited Online and PDF Report
  • 30 Minutes Telephonic Counseling
  • One Year Online Career Tools access
  • Money Back Guarantee !!

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