(Career Asssessments, Exploration & Counselling)
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By Sunita Arora at 10:51 AM
I find this the most useful tool for young people seeking direction and looking for viable career[...]
By Anil Bhatia at 10:51 AM
This is an important and valuable approach to career assessment because identifying tasks that[...]
By Meena Mathur at 10:51 AM
I discovered that my top 3 strongest interests are; Social, Conventional and Artistic. My match[...]

Personal Employability Profile

Career Profile
Determine the areas in which you might search for a job
"To be employed is to be at risk, to be employable is to be secure"

For most higher education students, employability on graduation and over the long term is a major priority. To raise their own awareness of skills and to increase their ability to articulate these skills, such capabilities can be put into practice in personal development planning, work experience opportunities, job searching, and interviews and be of real help when making major career and life changes. [...]


Reliability & Validity
The assessment requires you to answer 78 questions that are concerned with communication, thinking, learning, attitudes, behavior, and working with others. The assessment develop the competency profile, Leadership/Cultural profile, and employability profile across functional domains:
Assessment + e-Counseling
  • Unlimited Online and PDF Report
  • 30 Minutes Telephonic Counseling
  • One Year Online Career Tools access
  • Money Back Guarantee !!

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