Welcome To Class 11th & 12th School Students!

Whether you're considering going on to college, or something else [...]

Planning on going to college, explore colleges & courses. You'll find [...]
A New Approach to College Preparation and Selection.SkillGapfinder has assembled a wide-ranging set of tools and resources to assist you in preparing for this forthcoming transition into a career, going on to college, or something else. We can assist you decide which colleges to apply to and which careers course to consider, and better understand how your unique personality and interest might affect your ultimate career preferences.

College & Course Planning
To Which Colleges Should You Apply?If you're planning on going to college, explore colleges. You'll find everything from detailed college profiles to advice on getting financial aid. Confused about which course is better for you? Find your answer by taking Match Course Assessment.

Choosing a career or vocational college. Are you looking to go to a vocational or technical institute? The SkillGapfinder Career College Database offers detailed profiles on over 4,200 vocational schools in India. You can search for schools by name, browse by category, or even use the query tool to create a customized search based on over a dozen criteria.
Paying for college. Applying for financial aid can sometimes be a long and complicated process, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming. The information and articles in the Financial Aid Guide will provide you with a clear outline of what your options are and how to best go about securing financial aid. Step-by-step guidance and practical tips will dramatically improve your chances of successfully financing your education.
Getting college advice. Visit our discussion forums and chat with others about any number of college-related issues, including Financial Aid. Chat with others who are also thinking about attending various colleges or get advice from those who have already gone there. Ask questions and meet people!
Problem Solving Assessment (PSA)
can be taken in class XI.

Career Planning
Plan your future with self-assessment and career discovery testsWhether you're planning on going straight into a career or just thinking ahead about a career after college, SkillGapfinder has the most comprehensive set of career guidance resources available anywhere.

Chat with others. Visit our career Discussion Forums and chat with others who are in various careers. Ask questions, get advice and learn more about various occupations directly from people who are in them. There are forums for over 900 different careers as well as general topic forums for discussing things like Internships and Apprenticeships.
Linking core subjects to career exploration. Acquire a basic understanding of the importance of English, math, and science skills to an array of careers.
Read through career profiles. Each career in our career options list has a detailed, multiple-page profile that includes a job description, job requirements, college/training center and forums for user discussion. Most career profiles even have brief videos that provide quick introductions to each career! We have a list of over 1000 different careers options that you can search or browse through.