(Career Asssessments, Exploration & Counselling)
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By Sunita Arora at 10:51 AM
I find this the most useful tool for young people seeking direction and looking for viable career[...]
By Anil Bhatia at 10:51 AM
This is an important and valuable approach to career assessment because identifying tasks that[...]
By Meena Mathur at 10:51 AM
I discovered that my top 3 strongest interests are; Social, Conventional and Artistic. My match[...]

Interest Profiler

Interest Profile
Creating Value From Your Interests
Help envision and plan your future with self-assessment and career discovery tests.

The Interest Profiler assessment is a vocational interest assessment tool online. It empower you with the type of work activities and best career that you would like and find exciting. You will identify and learn interest areas fit the needs of the best career opportunities.[...]


Career Interests
Reliability & Validity
The Interest Profiler is composed of 180 items describing work activities that represent a wide variety of job roles as well as a broad range of training levels. It measures six types of occupational interests. Compatible with Holland's R-I-A-S-E-C Interest Structure:

The Inventory began with the 180 items on six 30-item scales. The Occupation Match system procedures is needed to compare a user's score profile generated from interest assessment with occupational score profiles for each of the careers in the database. These OccuMatchTM help users identify the occupations that constitute a strong match with his or her assessment by scoring and rank-ordering career matches. Results provide a skylight to over 900 careers.[...]

Assessment + e-Counseling
  • Unlimited Online and PDF Report
  • 30 Minutes Telephonic Counseling
  • One Year Online Career Tools access
  • Money Back Guarantee !!

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